How technology solutions can partner with Anima to expand market reach4 min read
Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the world of composable architecture—where organizations mix and match technologies, tools, and services to build software fast and stay agile—partnerships are more valuable than ever. That’s because wherever you fit in the tech stack, complementary partnerships can expand your market reach and amplify your impact.
At Anima, we partner with tools and services that help our users ship faster, with greater autonomy and flexibility. Which is why we’re excited to introduce the Anima Partners Program.
Partnerships at Anima
What Anima does
Anima is a design-to-code (and code-to-design) platform that’s changing the way teams build frontend. Designers can export developer-friendly React, Vue, or HTML code for engineers—and even launch websites—directly from design tools like Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch. Developers can skip the grunt work of coding UI from scratch. Teams can deliver better apps and websites with a fraction of the time and resources.
Why partner with Anima
Anima’s front-end code automation places us at the intersection of digital product design and front-end development. Our users include R&D, marketing, and product design teams, and our platform has been adopted by companies of all sizes.
Since Anima is back end agnostic, design tool agnostic, and hosting agnostic, we’re able to seamlessly integrate with a diverse range of tools and solutions to help our users ship products 10x faster.
Why Anima wants to partner with you
We appreciate our partners, because together we amplify the value that our shared customers get. And in turn, we merge our audiences and grow our individual market shares. It’s a win-win. We’re already seamlessly integrated with countless tools and services, including Figma, Storybook, Adobe XD, Netlify, Material UI, Strapi, Firebase, Sketch, Bootstrap, Slack, and more. And we’d love to add you to the list.
Anima’s partnerships and integrations
Design tools
Anima integrates with the most popular design tools—Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch—as an in-app plugin that allows designers to keep their current workflows. This means designers, developers, teams, and organizations can:
- Convert designs into React, HTML, or Vue.js code right from their existing design tools.
- Build and launch live websites directly from their existing design tools.
- Insert ready-to-use React components into their Figma designs.
- Access an automatically generated Styleguides written in CSS to easily recognize the building blocks of each design.
- Manage their design systems automatically by syncing their Storybook with Figma.

Back end systems, serverless options, and headless CMS services
Anima’s front end code is back end agnostic. Developers can connect any existing back end, pick their favorite serverless architecture—like Google Firebase or AWS Amplify—or connect a headless CMS like Strapi or Contentful.

Customers can deploy Anima’s generated React, HTML, and Vue code using their favorite hosting services. AWS, Google, and Azure are very popular, and we also see dedicated services like Netlify and Vercel becoming key components in our users’ composable architecture.

Developer tools
Developers feel at home with Anima’s code, whether working in GitHub, editing in VS Code, or inspecting in CodeSandbox or CodePen. For design systems teams, we have Storybook integration for Figma that automatically syncs design libraries with production code.

And more
Countless tools generate greater value when paired with Anima, and vice versa. For example, Anima’s generated code lets designers and teams scale their prototype testing with FullStory and Hotjar, embed YouTube, Vimeo, and Lottie files in their prototypes and websites, and track product development using Slack updates. And there’s so much more we can do collaboratively.

Anima integrations showcase
Check out these apps built with Anima and the tech stacks that were used to ship them at lightning speed. This is just a tiny example of what’s possible with our growing list of integrations and partnerships. Check out more on our Anima Showcase page.
Basic React app
Figma + Anima + Netlify
In this sample project, we created an interview simulation app with Figma + Anima, then launched it on Netlify using Anima’s generated React code. Here’s how.
Banking app
Figma + Anima + Recharts + Ant Design + + Netlify
We redesigned SVB’s banking app using Anima’s open source Component Library for Figma, connected our data, and went live. With Anima’s ready-to-use React components from Recharts and Ant Design—plus a little help from our partners—we were able to build and launch in just two days. We used Strapi’s headless CMS as the back end and deployed the app on Netlify. With this powerful tech stack, it took us 1 day to design and 1 day to go live. Here’s how.
Basic Vue.js app
Figma + Anima + Vue.js + fuse.js + Netlify
This LGBTQ+ calendar app was designed in Figma and launched on Netlify using Anima’s generated Vue code. All we needed to do was make a few tweaks, add some logic, deploy to Netlify, and voilà! We had a live app in less than 3 hours of work!
Offer an integration
What can we make with your tech solution or service?
We have a growing list of integrations to help our users ship faster, adapt more easily, and enhance their workflows—and we’re always looking for new technology partners.
Interested in becoming a technology partner? Drop us a line at