Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode
Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode

Build live prototypes in your current design tool

Anima lets you build and share interactive, responsive, web-based prototypes from your existing design tool. No code needed.

Start free
Launch websites right from your design tool with Anima

Apple logo
Netflix logo
Adobe logo
Amazon logo
Walmart logo

Prototype with the power of code, without a developer

Anima's generated code lets you create prototypes that feel real, right from Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch, and launch a live web-based prototype that you can share, user test, and hand off with ease.


Add interactions like animations, transitions, and gestures to static elements, plus live forms and buttons.


Add breakpoints and define responsive behavior for prototypes that adapt to screen sizes and dynamic content.

Embed code

Embed videos, GIFs, Lottie, and custom code snippets like maps and chatbots, directly into your design.

Get buy-in without explaining your design

Live prototypes speak for themselves. Share a public link with your team for a faster feedback loop and fewer iterations.

Launch landing pages fast without a developer using Anima
Create standout portfolios with Anima right from your design tool

Get real user testing insights—at scale

Observe how users will interact with the final product, and easily scale testing with with tools like Hotjar & FullStory.

Eliminate handoff friction

Hand developers a working version of the final product instead of a static rendering, along with clean code for the entire UI.

Create kiosk interfaces for museums, art galleries, and more using Anima

“Creating high-fidelity prototypes in Figma with Anima helps me convince my stakeholders to actually run with a project. They can have a better idea of how they actually want it to work—a real feel of the product.”

Kat Donegan

UX Design Manager @ Mediavine

Turn your design tool into a one-stop prototyping shop