Figma to React

Convert any Figma design into production-ready React code.

HTML logo
React logo
CSS logo
Vuejs logo
MUI Material UI
Ant Design

Unparalleled code quality

React + TS/JSX

Functional React code with sub-components support that can run instantly.

Variants & props

Stateful & interactive React components, based on Figma variants and props.

Responsive layout

Responsive CSS flex based on Figma Auto Layout.

Get React code based on Figma

Simplify handoff

Inspect and copy code

Instantly generate, inspect, and copy your code for free, right from Figma’s developer panel.

Inspect and copy code - Figma to React
See your changes live

Open in Playground

Automatically open Anima’s code in CodeSandbox, see it rendered live, and check its fidelity.

Inspect and copy code - Figma to React
Directly from Figma

Download the code package

Automatically open Anima’s code in CodeSandbox, see it rendered live, and check its fidelity.

Inspect and copy code - Figma to React

Deliver frontend 2x faster with React code based on Figma

What users say

“ I would estimate we’re cutting the time to get from the starting line to a POC or MVP by about half (50%) using code generation.”
Jeffery Mac
Jeffery Mac
SVP Services & Solutions @Radiant
“The approach we’re taking right now is largely leveraging code generation (Anima) for things like usability tests or for designing new domain components.”
Director of Digital Experience @Radiant
“I really like Anima because when I show Animas’s output to clients, they can already see it as a finished product, with layouts and micro-animations giving life to it. There is no need to envision anything, it is all there in front of their eyes.”
Masoud Rawahi
Masoud Rawahi
CEO & Founder @PhazeRo